Gardening for a Beginner; All About Raised Garden Beds

Gardening for a Beginner; All About Raised Garden Beds

Raised beds are becoming very popular lately, and there’s a reason why: once built, they help protect your back, have less weeds, provide good drainage for your plants (if done right), allow for better weed control, can build anywhere in your yard, AND you can take them with you if you ever have to move houses. Learn all about how you can start your very own raised bed or the in ground garden of your dreams.

5 Steps To Preparing Your Garden For Spring

5 Steps To Preparing Your Garden For Spring

With Spring fast approaching, we’re wanting to set you up for success this planting season. And when our mom’s taught us to be prepared, we took it to heart. That’s why we’re passing along these 5 steps for you before you start planting your flowers and vegetables this year.