Garden Valley Farmers Market

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Top 5 Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Carefully curated for mom, here are

Garden Valley’s Top 5 mother’s day Gift Ideas

1. hanging baskets

With so many colors, textures, and light options, hanging baskets make the perfect gift for any mom. She’ll be looking at these every time she pulls up the driveway into her home, and, of course, will be reminded of how amazing of a child you are for gifting her these.

Some of our favorites…
For sun, we love the classic Petunia or Million Bell hanging baskets. The more sun, the better! All they need is an occasional dead heading to encourage new bloom growth. But don’t forget to water!
For shade,
we love Fuscia! They thrive in those shady places that don’t receive any sun, and their unique blooms easily bring joy to the hearts of those who witness them.

You can read more here about keeping your hanging basket beautiful.

2. houseplants 

If you want your mom to enjoy a plant every second of every day… get her a houseplant. They’re easy to care for once you learn their needs, and make a great option for the mothers who don’t have a lot of outdoor space. Our staff at Garden Valley LOVE houseplants and would be happy to help guide you in picking out the perfect one.

3. pottery

Speaking of plants… Your mom is going to need something to put those gorgeous plants in. We hand select our pottery pieces every year, and they will make such a beautiful addition to your mom‘s home. Go ahead and get her the piece she’s been eyeing but not buying. She’ll love it, trust us.

4. Hibiscus

This year‘s hibiscus crop has been absolutely beautiful! They’re healthy, vibrant in color, and would make the perfect addition to your mom‘s summer plant collection! Plus, they thrive in warm, humid conditions, making them the perfect selection for North Carolina Summers.

5. a shopping spree

If you REALLY want to make your mom happy… treat mom to a yummy brunch/lunch, and then surprise her with a shopping spree to Garden Valley. We have so many gorgeous things at our stores that will put a huge smile on your mom’s face. But what really makes the moment special is the time spent together walking through the stores and having those easy, fun conversations. Because no matter what physical gift you get your mom, the memories and little moments like that… those are what she really wants.


Gift certificate

We do offer gift certificates as well, so if you’re completely stuck on time, this is a great option! Maybe with this, she can finally buy that item she’s been saving up for!

Thank you so much for joining us here. We offer a huge selection of pottery, plants, produce, and soil, making it a one stop shop for you this Mother’s Day! For more information on what Garden Valley Farmers Market is about, you can visit us here. If you’re wanting to visit with us, come by any of our five North Carolina locations. If you’re wanting to follow along with us, you can do so either on our Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest. We’d love to have you join us in our journey of planting better, eating better, and living better.
With love,
Your Garden Valley Farmers Market Team